Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Don't worry, I know CPR!"

On Saturday (a week and a half ago) I had my first training session. My friend came and I really didnt know what to expect. We did cardio and weights. One thing she had me do was the eliptical, which happens to be my worst enemy. My heart rate goes sky high on it. Anyways, she had me do 2 min at my normal pace and 1 min fast for a total of 15 min. As I was doing it and not knowing if I would make it she was very supportive and told me that I can do it. She also told me that she knew CPR so I didnt have to worry. Haha! Well I made it through! She told me to do what I could on my own during the week. On Monday I decided to try the eliptical on my own without someone there pushing me and I made it through exactly how she had me do it! When I wanted to stop I just told myself that I got through it Saturday and there is no reason why I couldnt now. So I did!
I weighed in that Saturday morning before my workout and I was 303.5lbs.
During the week I was able to exercise and eat pretty well and by the time my weigh in came for this past Saturday I had lost 4 lbs!!!! So now I am 299.5!!! I am under 300!! WOOHOO!! I know that is such a HUGE number for most of you, but to me that is GREAT! Even tho it is just the beginning I feel so good about myself right now. If I have a bad day I just get right back into the next. My next training session is this Saturday. Thanks for all your continued support!

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