Monday, July 19, 2010

So much to do, So little time

So here it is, Monday again. Weigh in day. I will just get right to it. It was not a good week. I worked almost 60 hrs last week, had a funeral Saturday for a wonderful woman from my church who was taken from us very quickly (but we all know where you are Mary and have peace knowing you are home with the Lord), then spent 6 hrs in the car yesterday helping a friend drive her husband to youth camp up in Rumney, NH. I only got to exercise twice and my eating wasn't great. I am still making better choices, but since I made the mistake and didn't plan for the week then some things were last minute choices that didn't go so well. So the results are, this week I gained back 3.5 lbs. Disappointing, but unlike other times I was upset with a gain, I will not go to the pantry or the refrigerator to take care of my sorrows with food. I can tell every day how I am making better choices. One being I am taking the stairs in my apartment more. So baby steps to start but baby steps can get you far.

On another note, we went up to Borders so I can look for some healthy eating cook books and to see if I could find a book on the Glycemic index. I knew there were a lot of different diet books out there, but when you are standing by the shelves and shelves full of them, you really see what kind of trouble this world is in. There are rows and rows of different kinds of diets for people to go on. If there is one thing I have learned throughout my years of being overweight is following a diet doesn't normally work because they are usually only temporary fixes. I need to make a lifestyle change that will change how I eat for life, not just for the duration of the diet.
I ended up getting a Biggest Loser 30 day jumpstart book that has some great ideas about how to start exercising and eating right, a Glycemic Index diet book which seems so simple to follow and makes total sense and a healthy eating cook book. (Oh, and I also got the new Jennifer Weiner book, Fly Away Home. lol)
The Glycemic Index is such a great reference to go about eating and I reccomend it to everyone. The book I got has been so easy to understand. It is called The GI Diet by Rick Gallop. It says in the cover, "If you Understand a traffic light, you'll understand this Diet." It lists the Red light foods (foods you shouldn't eat), the yellow light foods (foods you can eat but limited), and green light foods (foods you should be eating most of the time). It is something that I can definitely follow. I won't go on and on about the book even though it says a lot that I can share. If you want to know more feel free to ask or get the book yourself. I still have a lot to learn. This week I need to learn how to schedule my time better. I need to schedule in when I will exercise and when I will plan what I will eat each day. There is so much to do when there is so little time, but I need to make this a priority for myself, and I will.


  1. greatt job! I know you will be successful! Welcome to your new life! It's the little choices amd realizations added up over time that make huge changes!

  2. Hey!! I have some weight loss books if you ever want to borrow any. I also have a really good christian diet CD I bought when I was with you too, just let me know when your ready. The biggest loser book I have on my shelf, looks good but just dont have time to read it. so dont be like me and take time for YOU! Maybe bring the book to work for if any down time arrises. How about a walk and lunch after service sunday?

  3. I just added you to my blog list, thanks for sharing your life! I look forward to hearing about the successes, and helping you pray with the harder times, but you are on the right path!

  4. Sorry about the weight gain Stephanie, but like you said: You're being productive about it rather than sulking into the pantry. That's a great start!

    As far as cookbooks go, I use the Weight Watchers one. It's actually pretty good and I've cooked numerous times from it and no one really knows the difference!

    One bit of advise I have for you is make sure you drink plenty of water. Also, if you know you're going on a long trip, bring a small cooler filled with bottled water, carrots, celerey, peanut butter crackers, and some raisins. Also, a small Tropicana bottle of OJ "just incase" you get a sugar craving. I usually did that on my travels from Upstate NY to Boston when I'd come home to visit from the base and it works well for me.


  5. Stephanie, you're making GREAT lifestyle changes that will change you forever. My advice to you is to be 100% honest with yourself. Journal your food. If you have a trigger, figure out a way to get around it. Mine would be baked goods, home made baked goods (processed food doesn't excite or entice me) and the other would be the movies. I LOVE POPCORN!!!! I'm sure you know that movie popcorn has about a days worth of calories and 3 days worth of fat in it. I try to go to the movies after I've eaten lunch.
    Become a person who always looks up food counts. I generally don't like to eat out, but if I have a menu before hand, then I don't have to look at a menu, I just order.

    Here are two of my favorite weight loss winners who did Weight Watchers

  6. Hi Stephanie,

    Keep up the good work! I know how hard it is to loose weight and how easy it is to gain it. Just take one day at a time and treat yourself once in a while!

  7. I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work. Remember that your weight/food issues weren't created over night and they won't be solved over night either. You have a life time of learning to unlearn and replace with good, new learning. Don't beat yourself up when you have a bad day/week or make a bad choice just start new. Give yourself a clean slate and get back on track.
    You are making very wise choices and you are seeking resources for guidelines. Remember you are an individual and the books are written for the masses. So gather all the good knowledge and tips and then work out a plan that fits Stephy. I do believe planning is the key. Plan your meals (this also helps keep the grocery bill down), and plan your exercise. One of the best things I ever heard about planning exercise was to make a "date" with yourself to exercise and treat it with as much importance as you would a date with your hubby or bestie.
    I miss you sooooooooooooo much. I really wish I could be there doing this with you, but I think I just decided, after reading my advice to you, to make a date with myself. I will join you via internet. I will weigh-in on Mon and start working out. I'll be honest and transparent about my success and failures with you, too. Maybe I'll start a
